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Georgia continues genocide in South Osetia
11 августа 2008
Georgia continues genocide in South Osetia
The Georgian troops breaking all international agreements started aggression against Osetian population and Russian peaceful forces

On the 8th of august Georgia treacherously, breaking all international agreements, started massive bombardment of the South-Osetian capital Zhinvali, the dispositions of Russian peacemakers and Osetian villages, using air bombers, hard artillery, mine troopers, «Grad» weapons. Two days earlier the Georgian peacemakers without any explanations left their positions and Georgia evacuated ethnically Georgians, living on the territory of South Osetia.

South Osetia is an autonomous republic which demands independence, staying formally after disintegration of the Soviet Union in the territorial borders of Georgia. The people of S. Osetia on the referendum declared their will to become an independent state. In 1994 Georgia started its first war against the Osetian people proclaiming the idea of territorial wholeness. Then Georgian troops destroyed hundreds of villages and thousands of people were killed and injured. The peaceful agreement after the war supposed the presence of peacemakers from Russia and Georgia in South Osetia to prevent collisions between the Georgian and Osetian partisans.

It must be specially underlined that Osetia now is divided into two parts: South and North. The last is the part of Russia. Osetia has a two hundred years friendly relations with Russia: exactly 200 hundred years ago Osetia asked Russia about the entry into the Russian empire and from that time till now Russians and Osetians live in peace and friendship. Most of the Osetian people have Russian citizenship.

Returning to august the 8th. The Georgian troops breaking all international agreements started aggression against Osetian population and Russian peaceful forces.

On the night of the 8th of august the capital of Osetia was turned into ruins for seven hours of Georgian massive air and hard artillery bombardment.

Paying no attention that the houses are inhabited by women, children and old people the Georgian artillery crushed everything in the city, including the House of Parliament, schools, university, hospital and positions of Russian peaceful forces.

Thousands of people were killed by bombs and crushing houses. Those, who stayed alive, and those, who were wounded, were obliged to hide in the basements of the ruined houses. They spent there several days (some of them stay there up till now), experiencing lack of water, air, medicines. Wounded and bleeding people are dying in anti-sanitary conditions. The Georgian troops which occupied Zchinval, shoot everyone who tries to come out of their shelters in search of water. People in the shelters saw how the Georgian tanks executed women with children in their hands, shooting their heads, and squashing them by tanks caterpillars. Georgian snipers were working hard not to allow peaceful citizens to leave the city. Witnesses saw how the women, who was trying to find water for her child, was shot by Georgian sniper, her head turning into pieces. In these hours came the facts that amongst the Georgian warriors were present the hirelings from other countries, from NATO ,who even didn’t speak Georgian or Russian.

Those peaceful citizens, who managed to leave the city and tried to make their way, using their cars and on foot, to the nearby Osetian village Jhava, were attacked by Georgian tanks and mine-throwers, some of them were attacked from the air and annihilated. At the same time Russian peacemakers, which had lost 15 people dead and more than 150 wounded continued resistance on there positions, being surrounded by Georgian troops whose number in twelve times overcame the number of Russian peaceful contingent.

In this conditions, which Russian Federation qualified as “genocide of the Osetian people”, as murdering of peaceful population, as the Georgian strategy of “burnt ground” and “ethnic cleansings”, as “the barbaric war of the president with the people of his country” made a decision to restore peace and stability in South Osetia using all international agreements and the right to protect Russian citizens. The Russian authorities decided to strengthen the peaceful contingent in the epicenter of war, in order to stop violence, murdering of innocent people, to help the wounded Russian citizens to leave the Zchinval city and reach hospitals in the safe regions.

The president Saakashvili applied the American tactics of “burning ground”, which was practiced in Vietnam by American aggressors in the late 60-s. The operation of extermination of Osetian population was planned long before the 8th of august under the direction of American military specialists and was of extremely antihuman character.

Analyzing the facts from the epicenter of war, Russian investigators constituted: Georgian troops practiced face to face shooting of civil people, burned them with fire, shouted into the backs of running away women and children, used tank caterpillars to crush people in order to destroy the signs of antihuman violence on the occupied territories. There are hundreds of witnesses of the terrific cruelness of Georgian soldiers towards the Osetin population. Most of the soldiers of the aggressor used narcotics. They carried maps of “one-day war” according to which they were obliged to finish the war in one day, occupying south Osetian territories and exterminating population as quickly as it is possible.

It should be stressed, that during the previous years of Saakashvili precedence all the economical recourses of the Georgian nation were thrown to the organization of war with Osetia and Abchasia. Young people for years practiced military trainings with NATO instructors. The army increased its might in thirty times. At the same time the main Georgian population reached the lowest levels of poverty and degradation.

For the forth day Georgian side continue large-caliber shooting in the parts of the city. Up till now wounded people cant get water, medicine and medical help. Russian troops continue displacement of the Georgian troops from the regions of the city.


Nathalia Melentjeva

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